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Wellness services providers can now gain better insight into the attitudes and motivations of their consumers, thanks to a recent proprietary research study conducted by LAVIDGE.


Our research uncovered four distinct attitudinal segments:

Prioritizer | Experiental | Transactional |Trust Seeker

Our report reveals how each correlates with six high-level insights:

  • Wellness ranks as a top priority
  • Different strokes for different folks
  • Create a sensory experience
  • Give the gift of wellness
  • Show them how much you care
  • Some people don't like commitments

“Most respondents (87%) say having wellness services in their lives is important.”




We invite you to:

Listen in as our subject matter experts discuss how to apply our findings to real-life scenarios in this preview video.

We’ve done the hard work of identifying four statistically relevant attitudinal segments with the wellness services industry. Now it’s your turn to personalize it for your needs. Download our self-segmentation questionnaire and plot yourself within the matrix.

We’ve also done the work of gathering the data and identifying our top insights. It’s your turn to play. Access the visualized research to dig deeper for details most important to you.
 Explore the data >

Learn how to tailor tactics to meet your marketing and communication needs by contacting Managing Director, Growth & Development Dave Nobs.






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