This exclusive and authoritative study takes the guesswork out of healthcare advertising and marketing. Rather than speculating about what will drive consumers to action, we’ve asked them. Our free survey of consumers in six Southwestern states reveals:
- The media where consumers prefer to receive healthcare information
- The top branding words and statements that will resonate most with consumers
- The way a person’s perceived and actual health affects how they respond to healthcare marketing messages
Download the 2017 Southwest Healthcare Marketing Report and Receive Additional Articles
An expert in healthcare advertising, public relations, interactive and more, LAVIDGE commissioned this survey to help our neighbors achieve optimal health, and to better understand how to influence their decisions. We posed specific questions about healthcare advertising and marketing to consumers throughout the Southwest. The 2017 Southwest Healthcare Marketing Report reveals what they told us.
Marketing professionals at hospitals, physician clinics and health insurance plans should not miss this myth-busting report about consumers and their opinions about healthcare marketing. Download this exclusive report today.